Sunday, November 8, 2009
Prose Revised!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Blog #1 revisited!
I was so thankful when the deadline was pushed back for the scrapbook because I often found sentences or commas I thought were incorrect but sometimes it would turn out that they weren’t really incorrect but rather it was a newspaper related preference. I am still really frustrated with finding examples because I suppose I do not have very much confidence that it is actually incorrect. I think looking at the example scrapbooks and asking questions really helped in class on Wednesday. I do have more ideas of what to look for now, but I still worry whether I am judging the mistake correctly. Overall, I really enjoyed class this week because I learned a lot about applying the lessons to my own writing and finding examples and common mistakes in others writing.
I have to say that this last week was probably the most beneficial to me because we often worked with the lesson to learn it. Being someone who learns from doing, using the blogs to pick out examples really helped me [Participle]. The AAAWWUBBIS lesson was something I never really thought about before. These are lessons you may know internally without really thinking about the actual rules. It made your realize how those subordinate clauses need a period after them and how AAAWWUBBIS makes that first half only a clause and it is no longer a complete sentence. I really enjoyed the lesson, and I love keeping the workshop checklist written in a certain place so that one day I may use the lessons from it in my own classroom. The checklist, which puts grammatical rules into simple terms, is a way to refer back to everything we have learned this semester [Appostive].
I was so thankful when the deadline was pushed back for the scrapbook because I often found sentences or commas I thought were incorrect but sometimes it would turn out that they weren’t really incorrect but rather it was a newspaper related preference. I am still really frustrated with finding examples because I suppose I do not have very much confidence that it is actually incorrect. I think looking at the example scrapbooks and asking questions really helped in class on Wednesday. I do have more ideas of what to look for now, but I still worry whether I am judging the mistake correctly. Overall, I really enjoyed class this week because I learned a lot about applying the lessons to my own writing and finding examples and common mistakes in others writing.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
I was so thankful when the deadline was pushed back for the scrapbook because I often found sentences or commas I thought were incorrect but sometimes it would turn out that they weren’t really incorrect but rather it was a newspaper related preference. I am still really frustrated with finding examples because I suppose I do not have very much confidence that it is actually incorrect. I think looking at the example scrapbooks and asking questions really helped in class on Wednesday. I do have more ideas of what to look for now, but I still worry whether I am judging the mistake correctly. Overall, I really enjoyed class this week because I learned a lot about applying the lessons to my own writing and finding examples and common mistakes in others writing.
Question: How do you recognize an introductory clause? What rules do you have for identifying them?
Sunday, October 4, 2009
FANBOYS and Punctuation
Our discussion on the second half of Cordeira’s article I felt was more interesting than the first. It really brought out the teachers in our classroom. You could see how different we were in our teaching styles. Some thought it would be better to let students explore punctuation completely on their own and to not correct it because then they will never learn how to use it but rather will just correct whatever you say is wrong. Others like myself thought there had to be some line you draw as a teacher when you do correct them. How will they ever learn if they keep making the same mistake? It is important to let students explore with the language but at a point shouldn’t we step in and do our jobs as teachers and actually teach something? I was really frustrated with the article because the author kept saying punctuation is a “negotiation between the writer and reader” but then turned around and said there must be a common reference for the rules of punctuation. Is punctuation solely up to the author or do some forms of punctuation need to follow the rule?
My question for this week is, can you give me an example of a complex sentence, and what exactly makes it different from a compound sentence?
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Verbs and the circle
As for transitive and intransitive verbs, I think I have the basics down when I say that transitive needs a direct object whereas intransitive does not. It is just a little difficult to identify in text sometimes but if you look for the direct object it is much easier. When we studied the two before using the magnets it was very helpful to see each words separately or to decide on a verb and then use it in a transitive or intransitive way. Linking verbs I do not feel as confident about. I understand that the verb links the subject with a description of the subject but when there is not one of the five senses involved it is difficult to determine if it really is a linking verb or not. I am sure with more practice I will be able to identify them right away.
The Socratic circle this time was different then how we had done it previously. This time we were in one giant circle which I found both positive and negatives. People were much more willing to talk because we were all on the same level I suppose you could say but I like how with two circle you get to take a step back and watch from the outside. However, with one circle you get to voice your opinion basically whenever you have an idea. I can see the pros and cons to both but I would say that I enjoyed having two circles.
Question: How do you go about recognizing linking verbs? What triggers you to say it is one and do you have any examples?
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Yay for Verbs and Socratic circle!
We also had the Socratic circle this week. I must begin by saying, unlike most, I rather enjoyed being on the outer circle rather than the inner one. On the outside I got to observe and see a whole new perspective. It was interesting to me because I was not able to give any input which made me listen more carefully and actually think about what they were saying and where they were coming from. There was not much content to discuss so I really enjoyed how people brought up other ideas and stories about teaching and us as teachers. However, I did not like how we discussed writing only from a teacher’s view. Yes the article was about teaching writing but we ignored how writing can be explored by lack of structure. What I mean by that is writing can sometimes serve a purpose by just telling students to write. It opens up imagination and creativity. They do not always need to know the specific assignment or purpose of the writing. Overall I think the Socratic circle was an effective way to get us talking. Our group size was just right I think to keep the circle flowing effectively.
Question: Which verb sentence pattern do you think appears the most in every day language?
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Oh House Style, Oh apostrophes, Oh Word Classes!
I have to say that the workshops we do in class really do help me learn. Learning the word classes this week, or reviewing them was much easier to work through with the headlines exercise. When it comes to word classes I believe that I understand what all of them are clearer now. The adverb was really the only one that could at times be difficult for me to identify. At least now I have a few ways to identify them such as looking for a ly or asking who, what, where when, why, how. I am sure there are more word classes that we have not discussed yet that will also give me some trouble such as preposition. Unlike others I do not remember going over the word classes for a long period of time. I do not remember it being drilled into my head and discussed over and over again. I am sure I must have learned the basics at some point such as a noun, verb, and adjective but there is no memory in my mind of long days filled with grammar. I think this is why I am so interested in the subject because I do not remember actually discussing the different functions of the classes. I know what they are but it sometimes is difficult to identify them in a sentence. I am really looking forward to learning more about grammar and applying it in other places outside of English 326.
When do you use “that” versus “which” or who? “I really do not like the adverb that/ which has given me trouble before.”
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Focusing on colons and semicolons
Grammar does not necessarily come easily to me. For the most part I feel like I know how to punctuate and how to structure sentences. However, there are two punctuations that I have never really mastered. I honestly always forget how to use a colon and semicolon. Whenever I learn the difference, I will get them confused later or forget entirely what exactly they are used for. I know how to use commas and I even had to train myself to ask if I really need a comma where I am using it. Commas were easy for me to learn and I am able to check myself when I doubt that using a comma is necessary.
As for the other two, the colon and semicolon, I just cannot figure them out. Take this sentence for example. “You will need to bring three things to the party: some food, drink, and a small gift for the hostess.” I understand to an extent that the colon is used with lists but when is it appropriate to use it? There are lists in sentences which also only require commas right? Then colons can also be used to give some kind of further explanation or description such as the following sentence. “I'll tell you what I'm going to do: I'm going to quit!” I feel like these two functions are very different so it is difficult for me to remember that both are appropriate for use of a colon.
Moving on to the semicolon, I would almost say that this one is more confusing and difficult than the colon. At least I had some idea about the lists with the colon. I have really no idea what the semicolon is used for most of the time. The following sentence uses a semicolon. “Mary drives a Mercedes; Joanne drives a Chevrolet.” I suppose I understand that the semicolon joins together two independent clauses which otherwise could stand alone as sentences. The question I have now is when do I just write two sentences and when is it appropriate to string them together with a semicolon? How do I determine they are related enough for such a punctuation?
In my high school Journalism class I would constantly submit stories which needed semicolons and colons. Repeatedly my adviser would teach me how to use them, but I would always forget. I would really love to learn how to use them both appropriately and effectively. I want to be confident enough to use them instead of just avoiding using them at all.