Grammar does not necessarily come easily to me. For the most part I feel like I know how to punctuate and how to structure sentences. However, there are two punctuations that I have never really mastered. I honestly always forget how to use a colon and semicolon. Whenever I learn the difference, I will get them confused later or forget entirely what exactly they are used for. I know how to use commas and I even had to train myself to ask if I really need a comma where I am using it. Commas were easy for me to learn and I am able to check myself when I doubt that using a comma is necessary.
As for the other two, the colon and semicolon, I just cannot figure them out. Take this sentence for example. “You will need to bring three things to the party: some food, drink, and a small gift for the hostess.” I understand to an extent that the colon is used with lists but when is it appropriate to use it? There are lists in sentences which also only require commas right? Then colons can also be used to give some kind of further explanation or description such as the following sentence. “I'll tell you what I'm going to do: I'm going to quit!” I feel like these two functions are very different so it is difficult for me to remember that both are appropriate for use of a colon.
Moving on to the semicolon, I would almost say that this one is more confusing and difficult than the colon. At least I had some idea about the lists with the colon. I have really no idea what the semicolon is used for most of the time. The following sentence uses a semicolon. “Mary drives a Mercedes; Joanne drives a Chevrolet.” I suppose I understand that the semicolon joins together two independent clauses which otherwise could stand alone as sentences. The question I have now is when do I just write two sentences and when is it appropriate to string them together with a semicolon? How do I determine they are related enough for such a punctuation?
In my high school Journalism class I would constantly submit stories which needed semicolons and colons. Repeatedly my adviser would teach me how to use them, but I would always forget. I would really love to learn how to use them both appropriately and effectively. I want to be confident enough to use them instead of just avoiding using them at all.